11 November 2013,
Front sprocket Gear of Mate90 was exchanged from T15 of normal to T14.
New front sprocket gear is not an item for Mate90, it is gear for TZR50 by nature.
However its gear was fitted Mate90 appropriately.
Right : Old gear (T15 of Normal) Left : New gear (T14)
New front sprocket gear was set appropriately
(Data : TOKIKO-T14 for TZR50)
Because a rear gear is T35,
・ Normal gear ratio is 2.333 (R/F = T35/T15).
・ New gear ratio is 2.500 (R/F = T35/T14)
It became the side of "Good-Acceleration (Increase Rate is 7%)" than normal one.
After running and confirming it, the acceleration really improved. Particularly, the acceleration of the top gear (third gear) is very valuable performance.
In the case of using the top gear at the normal gear ratio, the acceleration is dull even on a flat road, and an engine dose not rev up completely.
However, after the exchange of the sprocket gear, an engine revs up smoothly at the top gear. As a result, the maximum speed is almost same as a normal gear ratio though the gear ratio became big.
Probably It is judged that the normal gear ratio devote itself to fuel-saving performance too much. On the other hand, this new gear ratio can be use the engine ideally.
In addition, Battery and Fuel Cap Seal were exchanged to new one.
Battery : BPC NT4L-BS
Because it is very cheap battery made in China, the durability is worried about.
If it breaks down in a short term, I intend to exchange it for a Japanese product promptly.
Old seal of the fuel cap has been broken, therefore gasoline often leaked.
Right : New item Left : Old one